Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Role Models

Growing up I didn't have many people I could look up to as a spiritual role model. Sure I had other role models but at the spiritual level I was lacking. I was unaware of what God had to offer and what I could offer back to Him. I was unaware of His many promises and His plans to prosper me.

It wasn't until I was ready did God do the work in my heart to make me curious to what this Christianity thing was all about. He began His work... I rebelled. He pulled me closer... I rebelled. I didn't think I had anyone to talk to about faith. So I pulled away not knowing what to do.

However, God started putting people in my life. Friends who had families that went to church and would invite me. A college roommate who wanted to try a small Bible study group. Another roommate who was strong in her faith. A group of women who were really living for the Lord. A young married couple who offered their home for a college aged small group. The people in the small group. A best friend that helped me really hand my life over to Christ. A church family that supported and prayed for me. A wonderful woman who has shown me what a Christian woman should be like. Classmates that are open about their faith. Render. People from Render who were welcoming and saught me out after my first time there. So many people to be a ROLE MODEL to me when it comes to spirituality and being a Christian.

It amazes me that God answers prayers in a way that surpasses my desires. He knows exactly what I need. He brought a wonderful person into my life who challanged me to ask myself the tough questions, give up sinful ways, and experience things that I had never done before! Someone to challange my views of boy/girl relationships, to help me gain comfort in praying in front of people, and who taught me to demand the respect from men that I deserve as God's daughter. The young married couple has stretched my mind with deep discussion. They have presented my with opportunites to grow in my faith (my job). They have been role models to me of what a relationship based in Christ can be. And then a woman who loves beyond all meaure. She has children, grand children, and great grandchildren. She has taken me in as her own and taught me so much about being a woman of God.

Recently, I can remember thinking to myself that it's just too darn hard to be a Christian. I complained that I had very few friends that were choosing to live their lives the way I do. I wined that I didn't have many people my age that I could go to about my faith. But really that was an excuse. I began praying for friends that shared my faith. I have found that God is always willing to provide people in my life to help me grow in my faith and for that I am so thankful. I look forward to making new friends who share my faith and to keep growing and glorifying God more and more each and every day!

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